Best Laid Plans – Seating Plans Made Easy

Do you need a seating plan? The stressfree answer is yes.
You don¹t want anyone sat on their own, away from people they know; you want
everyone to have a good time. Taking time to develop your plan carefully will
ensure that all your guests sit with who they feel comfortable with.

Here are our top tips for getting it right:

1. It is a good idea to visit your chosen venue and ask
them about the availability of tables, and whether they have long tables,
circular, or both. The venue might be able to offer advice on what works best
for their room. You can then think about your own seating plan.

2. Generally, you should try to put people who know each
other together (family groups, work colleagues, etc). Obviously, if you know people who don¹t get on with each other, you
can mix it up a bit.

3. Put guests without a partner with friends and never have a singles table. Subtle matchmaking can be fun, but you don¹t
want your guests feeling awkward.

4. It is worth thinking about what happens when tables
are moved after the meal. People with specific needs, such as elderly or
pregnant guests might need somewhere to sit while the room is being set up for
the evening.

5. Try to sit your closest friends and family nearest to the bride and groom.

6. Think about a theme; perhaps naming tables instead of
numbering them, as this immediately removes any problems with perceived

Long table etiquette is to sit couples opposite one
another and alternate men and women along the table where possible. See our Seating Plan Infographic below for Top Table etiquette:

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